KEBA 科霸驱动器D3-DP 300/A-1040-00
Concentrated performance in the smallest space
Complete in hardware, software and service, safe to use and comprehensive in function: With the KeDrive D3 drive system, multi-axis applications can be solved economically, intelligently and future-proof.
Drives, motors and safety technology are perfectly matched and can be flexibly combined depending on the application. The KeStudio tool suite ensures simple commissioning and comprehensive diagnostics.
Your KEBA experts get the maximum out of it for you. With our professional drive design, your machines achieve maximum performance while acquisition and energy costs are reduced to a minimum.
Your benefits at a glance
Compact, gapless form factor
Supply modules up to 140 kW
1-, 2- and 3-axis drive modules from 1.5-250 Arms
300 % overload capability
Safety integrated
Energy-efficient solution concepts
Extensive motor portfolio