Part Number: PY-2-F-025-S01M
Manufacturer: Gefran
Generic code: GEFR1
Useful electrical stroke (C.E.U.) 10/25/50/75/100 Resolution Displacement speed ≤ 10 m/s
Displacement force ≤ 4 N
Life >25×106 m strokes, or
1 00×106 operations, whichever
is less
Vibrations 5…2000Hz, Amax =0,75 mm
a max. = 20 g
Shock 50 g, 11ms.
Tolerance on resistance ± 20%
Recommended cursor current < 0,1 Ma
Maximum cursor current 10mA
Electrical isolation >100MΩ a 500V=, 1bar, 2s Dielectric strength < 100 mA a 500V~, 50Hz, 2s, Temperature Coefficient of the
output voltage < 1,5ppm/°C
Working temperature -30…+100°C
Storage temperature -50…+120°C
Case material Anodised aluminium Nylon 66 G G 25 Control
rod material Stainless steel AISI 303